Civil Records of Berlin and Grafton

Type: Publications
Price: $12.00


Civil Records of Berlin and Grafton, New York | 1842–1859; 1872–1880

The information in this transcript comes from a ledger/daybook that has had many uses through the years. It is hardbound and measures 7112" x 12112" and is line and number free (except for numbers that were subsequently added to some pages). It appears to have been intended for a justice court daybook beginning in 1842. In 1847 it seems to have been set aside or forgotten and not used again until 1855 when the entries consistently involve busi­ness transactions providing names of customers and suppliers of saleable items. The entries imply that the ledger keeper was engaged in shoe repair since mending, sewing and leather items were being recorded. That activity ended about 1859 when the book was again set aside. Judicial entries were resumed in 1872 through at least 1880 at which time the blank pages had all been used. Of particular interest is that the entries do not always occur chron­ologically throughout the book but seem to have been made wherever a blank or partially used page would seem roomy enough to accept the data.


ISBN: 978-1-56012-403-0

Page Count: 49

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