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Between the late 1700s and 1924 New York was a key gateway for millions who journeyed to the United States to establish new lives. Today, millions of Americans descend from immigrants who passed through Ellis Island and Castle Garden. Tracing Immigrants through the Port of New York: Early National Period to 1924 details the records and research strategies for use when tracing immigrants who passed through New York City.
Genealogists, family historians, local historians, social scientists, and others will find the book essential to their research. Compiled by Anne Sibert Buiter, PhD, professor of Economics at Birkbeck, University of London, during the past 6 years, this unique publication provides an informed perspective on a topic of interest to so many Americans.
Part I – The Records, details key sources of information to use when tracing immigrants through the Port of New York: passenger lists, customs records, naturalization records, foreign passenger lists, and other important U.S.-based records. Part II – The People, includes historical overviews and highlights tools and strategies for tracing specific immigrant groups including Irish, German, Italian, Austro-Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Jewish, Puerto Rican, and Afro-Caribbean families
Table of Contents (subject to change prior to printing)
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Customs Records
Chapter 3: Records of the Federal Immigration Service and Related Materials
Chapter 4: Naturalization Records
Chapter 5: Other Records Containing Immigration Information
Chapter 6: Foreign Passenger Records
Chapter 7: Nineteenth-Century Irish Immigrants
Chapter 8: Nineteenth-Century German Immigrants
Chapter 9: Italian Immigrants
Chapter 10: Austro-Hungarian Empire and Polish Emigrants
Chapter 11: Jewish and Other Immigrants from the Russian Empire
Chapter 12: Origins of Puerto Rican Migration
Chapter 13: Origins of Afro-Caribbean Immigration
About the Author
Anne Sibert Buiter is a Professor of Economics at Birkbeck, University of London and was head of its School of Economics, Mathematics and Statistics for seven years. She also teaches at the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University. She is a Research Fellow of CEPR and was a founding contributor of She is a Fellow of the European Economic Association and the Kiel Institute for World Economics. She has published widely on central bank design, public finance, economic and political aspects of economic and monetary union in Europe, and the political economy of structural reform. She is a member of the London Times Shadow Monetary Policy Committee. She was an external member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Central Bank of Iceland, the Panel of Economic and Monetary Experts for the European Parliament’s Committee for Economic and Monetary Affairs and the Council of Economic Advisors to the Opposition Front Bench, U. K. She has served on the editorial boards of several journals and was Associate Editor of the Economic Journal and Macroeconomic Dynamics. She earned her PhD in economics at Carnegie-Mellon University. She has a long-time interest in early American history and genealogy and is a Trustee of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society.
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